My Blogging Assistant and Reading Pal…

Since this is my 50th post, I want to introduce my followers to someone who is very important in my life. My buddy is named Avery Jack and he loves to help his mommy with this blog. He also loves to read. All one has to say is ‘lets go read’ and he runs off and sits in the reading chair I have in my room. He is a wonderful reading companion and I love him dearly. In case you were wondering he is a Chihuahua/Schnauzer mixed breed.  He is 6 years old right now and has a birthday on April 21. He is growing up. I have had him since he was 6 weeks and a day old and he makes my life complete. I cannot imagine my life without him and cherish the time we have together.

Well that’s all for today. I am reading Anna Karenina right now and it will probably take a few days to finish that one and I just wanted to share Avery with you guys. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday and read something good.

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