Review: Leaving Everything Most Loved by Jacqueline Winspear

Description (from cover):

‘London, 1933. Two months after Usha Pramal’s body is discovered in the waters of a city canal, her brother, newly arrived in England, turns to Maisie Dobbs for help. Not only has Scotland Yard made no arrests, but evidence indicates they failed to conduct a full investigation.
Usha had been staying at an ayah’s hotel, a refuge for Indian women. As Maisie learns, Usha was different from the hostel’s other residents. But with this discovery comes new danger, as a fellow lodger who was close to Usha is found murdered.
As Maisie is pulled deeper into a unfamiliar yet alluring subculture, her investigation becomes clouded by the unfinished business of a previous case, and by a growing desire to see more of the world. At the same time, her lover, James Compton, gives her an ultimatum she cannot ignore.’

My thoughts:

I am starting to get a little worried. Is the end of the fantastic Maisie Dobbs series near? I certainly hope not, as I have really come to love this series over the years and I would be heartbroken without Maisie to read about. Jacqueline Winspear is a fantastic author and her series creates a loyalty that is rare with historical mysteries. Almost everyone I have come into contact about this series, loves it and can’t wait for more. I don’t think that I’ve ever heard a bad word about this series. Maisie is going through some life altering changes in this one and it makes me wonder what the next one (if there is one) will be like. The ending left a lot of questions about Maisie’s future unanswered and I feel like the author will at least clear those up with another novel.
Maisie is on the case again when an Indian man asks her to assist Scotland Yard with the murder investigation of his sister. Usha came to England as a governess to a wealthy family and years later was found murdered in a canal with a gunshot wound to the head. What happened in the years that her brother had last spoken to her and what cause her to meet an untimely death. Maisie begins her investigation and learns that everything is not what it appears to be. 
There are definitely a lot of changes coming to this series and I have a hunch that there might only be one or two more books in this series before the author calls it quits. I am hoping that I am so wrong and that there will be an abundance of books released, but something about the way this one was written makes me feel that something is up. There’s more in store for Maisie and the author cannot end the series with so many unanswered questions, but the story is getting to the point where everything could wrap up nicely for a stellar ending to a great series. Reading this one was a treat, but also very sad for me because I have highly enjoyed this series and don’t want it to end.

Overall Rating: 4

Title:  Leaving Everything Most Loved
Author:  Jacqueline Winspear
Series:  Maisie Dobbs #10
Publisher:  Harper
Publication Date:  March 26, 2013
Pages:  352
Genre:  Historical Mystery
Get It:  Amazon; Barnes & Noble

Disclaimer: This book was given to me by the publisher, through Edelweiss, in exchange for my honest review. I reviewed this book without compensation of any kind. All thoughts and opinions are solely mine.

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